The Basics of Skincare

The Basics of Skin Care: What You Need to Do to Have a Radiant Complexion


We all know at least one person who has radiant, flawless skin, a face that seems unaffected by time or stress. Surely their regimen must include drinking gallons of water, eating all the right foods, and getting adequate sleep each night, and of course the use of the best skin care products, right?

Well, yes and no….

Having healthy-looking, clear skin is owed to a combination of good genes, keeping a healthy lifestyle, and conscious care of your body. Admittedly, a flawless complexion does not come naturally to most of us. Among other factors, we need products to achieve a luminescent surface on your face. We may get the odd blemish from time to time and experience dry or oily facial skin, but a natural glow, even tone, and a complexion void of wrinkles aren’t as difficult to achieve as you may think.

We don’t have to succumb to adopting a strict diet, invest in painful and costly clinical treatments, or spend a small fortune on worldwide medical products. A good regimen starts with understanding of our skin’s biology and the factors that cause it stress. Our bodies are comprised primarily of water, so when it comes to proper care for the largest organ on your body, HYDRATION is key. Skin is the body’s largest organ, and our face area is particularly sensitive. It’s thinner and less resilient to contaminants because it is continuously exposed to the elements. It is also the most noticeable part on the body that reflects our age, the way we treat our bodies, the presence of stress in our lives, and what may be happening inside unbeknownst to us.

If you’re looking for advice on how to look after your skin type then strap yourself in and get your notebook, because we are about to reveal the “secrets” of skincare that your dermatologists don’t want you to know because it’s actually pretty simpler than you think.

Different Skin Conditions

Your skin has its own unique chemistry. Ordinary skin care systems and products may not be suitable for it’s overall health. Whether your general skin type is dry, oily, combination, or normal, you may experience acne, discoloration, or sensitivity and discomfort at some point in your life, while the signs of aging affects all of us. Achieve your most beautiful complexion at any time with cosmeceutical products, discover how to achieve clear skin and treat different conditions that may affect your overall health and appearance.

Acne Prone & Oily

Blemishes caused by excess sebum can stress us out. Not only teenage woes, pimples can affect us well into our midlife years. Unbalanced hormones, a poor diet laden with processed foods, and climatic effects can upset clear skin and cause acne at any point in our lives. However, not all acne treatment is easily controlled by diet. Naturally overactive sebaceous glands can trap dirt in the pores, leading to uncomfortable breakouts and a blotchy complexion. Having a clear complexion is a matter of using products specifically formulated for oily skin that can reduce oil production and dissolve excess sebum within the pores. It will also draw out impurities that become easily embedded in large pores. A widespread myth is that oily skin doesn’t require a moisturizer….false! Dry skin may trigger the oil glands to overproduce in an attempt to balance moisture. Acne-prone people require a light, oil-free, non comedogenic (won’t clog pores) lotion from a line of clinical-grade skin care products like Newport Cosmeceuticals.

Click Here to Learn More About Acne


As the years pass so too does the youthful skin of our teens and twenties. Aging skin is prone to moisture loss, depleted nutrients, and it produces less natural oils. The surface of your face and body becomes drier as changes in hormones decrease the amount of collagen and elastin your body produces. Fine lines and wrinkles appear more easily and some areas, particularly around the eyes and jawline, may take on a crepe-like appearance. Discoloration, blotchy pigmentation, and liver spots reflect our years of exposure to the sun and environmental contaminants, they are our body’s defensive response. Fighting signs of aging involves a few basic, healthy skincare habits and moisture-rich products formulated specifically for aging skin.

One of the most critical practices for maturing skin is sun protection. As your body’s surface loses its ability to retain moisture and produce oils, it also loses the ability to protect itself from damaging elements. Your daytime skincare routine should include a moisturizer with an SPF of at least 15, but a higher factor will block out more of the UVB rays (compare 93% protection to the 97% protection of a sunscreen with 30 SPF). In a study led by Dr. Adele Greene, researchers found that those who used sunscreen daily were 24% less likely to show signs of aging. But most sun damage is already evident by the time we’re 50. Our task is to prevent increasing signs of aging by spending less time in the sun, using a broad spectrum sunscreen, and applying a high-grade, hydrating face lotion that not only protects and luminates, but also supports cell repair. Remember, mature skin is more sensitive than when you were younger. Choose anti-aging products that are hypoallergenic, non comedogenic, and made for your specific type (oily, dry, normal, or combination). Allow time for the results to become visible. Using several skin care products at once can irritate you and be counterproductive to achieving a youthful complexion.

Click Here to Learn More About Anti-Aging

Eye Skin Care

Your eye profile reveals your age more than any other area of your face because the skin is different in structure and function. While there is much less subcutaneous fat that contributes to plumper, more supple skin, there are also more muscle contractions supporting a range of facial expressions. As collagen decreases with age, the area around your eyes loses its elasticity and begins to reflect those myriad expressions in the form of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging. Periorbital skin requires targeted care because it is thinner, sensitive, and more prone to damage. An ordinary, all purpose facial moisturizer does not have the right combination of ingredients to treat periorbital edema (puffy eyes), dark circles, or to restore moisture and elasticity to the delicate eye area. Select a cosmeceutical eye cream or serum that has a high moisture content, retinol, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin E. Apply with a gentle patting motion all around the eye area, being careful not to tug or pull the skin tissue.


Dry skin affects all of us at some point in our lives, but we’re more prone to it if we live in a cold, dry climate. Hot water, harsh soaps, and certain dermatological conditions may cause dryness and sensitivity. We may also naturally inherit a dry and sensitive skin type that is susceptible to irritation. When it is unable to retain adequate moisture it loses its elasticity making it vulnerable to stress. It also feels uncomfortable and lacks the luster of plump, well-hydrated skin. Moisture-rich dermatological products can help overcome dryness and irritation.

Certain lifestyle habits or activities related to hygiene may also cause your skin to become dry and sensitive. Smoking, for example, depletes the body of oxygen and moisture and its damaging effects are most visible on your face. Face shaving, primarily a male concern, may also zap the skin of moisture. While it exfoliates and encourages circulation, shaving products may cause irritation and cause tight, dry skin, particularly if they have a high alcohol or fragrance content.

Hydrating products can replace your body’s moisture content. Carefully selecting a rejuvenating skin cream and avoiding drying products and activities that deplete the skin of nutrients and much-needed hydration will go a long way in preventing moisture loss.

Click Here to Learn More About Dry/Sensitive Skin


There are varying degrees and causes of skin discoloration. As skin ages, liver patches or sunspots may appear and multiply over time. While doctors aren’t certain about the exact cause of these dark patches, they are associated with sun exposure, a fair complexion, and age. A variety of medicated skin care products and clinical cosmetic treatments are available to reduce the appearance of discoloration on the surface of your body, but may have adverse side effects or require repeated visits to a dermatologist.

Most professionals in this industry recommend AHAs as your safest and most natural treatment for reducing the appearance of dark spots. AHAs slough away dead skin and stimulate cell turnover and regeneration for a revitalized appearance.

But a discoloration condition like rosacea requires sensitive skincare such as adequate sun protection, extra moisture, and products void of alcohol or other irritants. Knowing your specific condition and paying attention to what aggravates it is a crucial part of your skincare regimen.

Check out our skin care products guide below to discover the best products for your skin type that explains to you what your regimen should look like.

Click Here to Learn More About Discoloration

Barriers to Having a Beautiful Complexion

Chances are you’ve heard of free radicals, your skin’s number one enemy, but aren’t sure exactly what they are. Free radicals as unstable atoms that attack the skin, both at the surface level and deep within the derm layer causing cellular damage. They inhibit your production of collagen and elastin–proteins that are responsible for maintaining supple, youthful skin. The result is damage to the skin’s DNA. Taking steps towards good skincare involves using clinical-grade products that can reverse and prevent further damage, leading to a clear complexion.

When we are exposed to stress our bodies produce free radicals naturally. Certain lifestyle habits, environmental stressors, and our genetic composition create a cocktail ideal for these oxidants to reproduce and thrive. Pollution, dust, smog–even the sun are among the sources of skin damage over which we have limited control. But our skincare efficacy is affected by our lifestyles, including the products we use that may also contribute to free radical damage.

Alcohol consumption, smoking, and eating unhealthy foods high in preservatives cause free radicals to run rampant, resulting in premature wrinkles and dry, saggy skin.

How to Get Glowing Skin?

Your can boost your skincare regimen and improve the health and appearance of your skin by using high-quality, cosmeceutical products and following a few simple, guidelines.

Identify Your Needs

A cleansing and moisturizing routine is ideal for clear skin. Normal skin has a balance of moisture, it is neither too oily or too dry and unaffected by blemishes. Large pores, shine, and acne are common in oily types, while dry types are easily irritated and prone to cracking or flaking. Combination tyoes inherits the features of both dry and oily and may have an oily T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and minor reoccurring breakouts.

Responsive skincare meets the needs of your individual skin type. But your skin doesn’t stay the same throughout life and your routine shouldn’t either. Climate, environment, and lifestyle can alter your skin system and make it more or less susceptible to the signs of aging. As well, the functions of skin change in response to the external environment. You may experience oiliness during certain times in your life, or dryness in harsher environments that require you to use alternative skin care products.

Where you once reached for a lightweight, oil-control serum, you may now require a moisture-rich balm. Responding to your specific needs by searching for products formulated for your derm type is fundamental to preserving youthful looking skin. Regular use of high-quality skincare cosmetics aid you in withstanding stress and encouraging cell repair, protecting it from the elements, and delivering overall revitalization.

Male vs Female 

Male and female skin stories are quite different, though in subtle ways. Men have a rougher texture than women and a thicker stratum corneum. Because of testosterone production during puberty, male skin produces more oil, which accounts for longer lasting acne. Women, on the other hand, have a softer surface, owing to a higher percentage of subcutaneous fat courtesy of estrogen. Because of these differences, men and women should use skin products specifically formulated for their needs.

Drink Water

Water is one of the best skin care products out there. It seems obvious but several studies report that the entire American population, more than 75%, don’t consume enough water. Life is busy and more often than not, coffee, soda, and alcoholic beverages take the place of fresh clean water. When your body is dehydrated it borrows from your skin’s moisture reserves resulting in crepe-like, sagginess and a dull complexion. Even a few days of insufficient water consumption or exposure to an extremely dry climate will alter your skin’s moisture content. Water is your number one detoxifying agent and part of the best skin care system–and the easiest to come by. It can improve the appearance of the face as much as any lab treatment serum or even the best pharmaceutical grade products.

Eat Foods High in Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Selecting the right foods rich in vitamins and minerals is for generating healthy-looking skin. Even the highest-grade, new skincare products won’t make much difference unless you’re maintaining a healthy diet. Indeed, a clean diet is an easy, effective treatment, especially when used in conjunction with high-quality products, and it has benefits for the whole body.

Understand the Ingredients in Your Products

What is the best skin care line? Well, that depends on a few factors.

We recommend choosing products that have clean, high-quality ingredients. If your skin responds well, try another product from the same line. Learning about the contents of the products you use is as important as selecting the right brand. New brand products and beauty websites are appearing constantly . Skincare is a billion-dollar industry laden with buzzwords and companies that encourage you to buy products that may not offer everything they claim. Independent research is crucial to finding a product conducive to your healthiest skin. Don’t get caught up in fancy packaging–read the ingredients for the real deal. Some of the best products have the fewest ingredients and nondescript packaging.

Use a Purifying Cleanser With Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) 

Glycolic acid offers advanced skincare and exfoliates the surface layer to reveal new, brighter skin. It is one of the best AHAs because it has a small molecular structure that penetrates pores deeply, drawing out oils and combating blackheads. Glycolic acid also prevents acne and heals acne scars. Its compound effect means the more you use it, the more effective it is. You’ll find skin care products with AHAs among many professional skin care lines.

Moisturize Day and Night With an Antioxidant-Rich Formula

Remember those nasty free-radicals we mentioned earlier? Antioxidants fight against the damage they cause and offer protective skincare by limiting the production of free radicals. They also increase cell metabolism and circulation by alleviating inflammation, which evens out tone and disrupts the formation of wrinkles. Apply a fragrance-free, hydrating lotion with naturally-sourced ingredients to slightly damp skin immediately after cleansing to help seal in moisture. The best skincare line and professional facial products should use ingredients that are rich in antioxidants.

Apply a High-Quality Toner Morning and Night

Of all the skin care solutions touted in the industry, dermatologists stress the importance of adding a toner to your daily routine. Not only does toning remove impurities, it also reduces the amount of dirt and oil that can penetrate pores and is a necessary part of any skincare routine. Toner is a humectant, it seals moisture and prevents moisture loss. Spritzing your face with a good-quality toner also restores your skin’s pH and combats the alkaline effects of many soaps and cleansers.

Use a Mask Regularly

Masking delivers all the benefits of your daily skincare regimen and a good mask delivers results. It hydrates the skin, dissolves excess oil, and refines pores, decreasing symptoms of aging such as sags and wrinkles and rejuvenating the overall appearance of your skin. Applying a mask once or twice a week also helps draw out deeply embedded impurities and decreases hyperpigmentation. To dramatically improve your complexion, add a mask to your collection of products.

Skin Care Products Guide


Skin care Products What is this for? Why do I need this? What results will I see?
Cleanser Cleansers remove dirt, oil, and makeup. If you don’t wash your skin with a cleanser, dirt and oil will clog your pores. Also, any product you use will not be able to penetrate through the layer of dirt and into the derm. NCI cleansers will leave your skin clean, soft and healthy, leaving room to utilize other NCI products.
Toners Toners are meant to hydrate and refresh your skin. Toners remove any leftover makeup and replenish your face after washing. They also come in handy when dealing with redness or dry patches. NCI toners leave you with replenished and soothed skin.
Exfoliants Gentle AHA and BHA exfoliants slough off dead skin to reveal a smoother, healthier new layer. Continuous exposure to stressful environmental conditions takes its toll on skin, leaving it rough, chapped and uneven. Exfoliating gets rid of the built-up damage. NCI exfoliants keep your pores unclogged and your skin radiant, smooth and youthful.
Acne Treatment Acne treatments will prevent new breakouts and lead to a clear complexion. Acne treatments will kill any acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation. When used consistently, NCI acne treatments reduce the number of pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. They also reduce redness and swelling.
Once you are done cleansing, toning, exfoliating and applying your acne treatment, it is time to put on your serums, moisturizers and other treatments. You should start with the thinnest product to the thickest. Here are some of the skin care products you may want to include in your skin care regimen.
Anti-Aging Boosters Boosters enhance the capabilities of a specific ingredient that is used in high concentrations in a product. Boosters deal with specific issues such as dehydration and discoloration. Your results will depend on which of the NCI anti-aging boosters you choose.
Serum Serums fight off free radicals that cause premature aging derm. As your skin gets older, it will start getting fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. Antioxidant-rich serums will get rid of these issues. NCI serums are specially formulated to leave you with supple, firm, young-looking skin.
Skin Lightener Skin lighteners contain chemicals like hydroquinone that get rid of discolorations. If you have any acne marks, age spots or any other discolorations, lighteners will get rid of them and give you an even skin tone Using NCI skin lighteners consistently will lead to clear, even skin and have luminating effects.
Anti-Aging Moisturizer Moisturizers with anti-aging ingredients ensure that your skin is hydrated and wrinkle-free. Anti-aging moisturizers leave your skin supple, soft and youthful. Using the right NCI moisturizer for your type will result in a replenished, healthy complexion.
Anti-Aging Moisturizer with SPF This product protects you from sun damage. These moisturizing sunscreens protect you from UV radiation that can cause wrinkles and uneven skin tone Using an NCI moisturizer with a skin protection broad spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 and higher will leave your face looking younger and healthier.


How To Look After Your Skin Daily?

At any point in your life, you can improve the overall appearance and health of your skin by using the best medical grade skin care products and following a few basic guidelines. Whether your skin is prone to dryness, excess oil, or you are noticing signs of aging on your face, radiant, clear skin is well within reach. In addition to knowing your skin’s biology and its response to different environments and stimuli, understanding the composition of the products you use is fundamental to establishing and maintaining an effective lifelong daily routine. Reduce discoloration, balance your skin’s pH, and restore moisture by adopting good skincare practices and using trusted, dermatological brands. Also, read reviews of the medical products online you’re considering. Scientifically-proven cosmeceuticals are recommended by dermatologists to provide clinical-strength skincare with the help of gentle, soothing botanical ingredients.

A healthy, youthful complexion is at your fingertips, so take the next step by checking out Newport Cosmeceutials range of skincare products that can help you.